National Investigation Agency officials raided multiple locations in Tamil Nadu’s Royapettah on Saturday as part of an investigation into the banned terrorist organisation Hizb-ut-Tahrir. The raids targeted locations linked to Hameed Hussain, who is accused of conducting secret meetings to promote an Islamic State ideology.
The anti-terror agency took over from the Central Crime Branch which was investigating Hameed Hussain, the Chief Coordinator of Hizb-Ut-Tahrir, for conducting secret meetings with a motive to establish an Islamic State.
The FIR was registered under section 13 of Unlawful Activities Prevention Act and cops arrested Hameed Hussain, his father Ahmed Mansoor, Abdul Rahman, Mohammed Mauris, Ahmed Al Umari and Khader Nawaz Sheriff in May.
NIA officials conducted raids at multiple locations in Royapettah, including a hall where the secret meetings were reportedly held by Hameed Hussain.
As per sources, the six accused had conducted the meetings to spread the Islamic Caliphate ideology using social media. The Central Crime Branch had also discovered that Hameed had conducted meetings in locked rooms with specific people and through video conferencing.
Modern Essential Education Trust, run by Hameed Hussain, was raided by the agency to collect further evidence as the meeting hall is said to have been solely used for this purpose.
Further investigation is underway.