K-drama star Ji Chang-wook recently opened up about his love life in a new promotional interview for his upcoming release, Revolver. The actor had appeared on a show with co-star Lim Ji-yeon, where they spoke candidly about their personal and professional lives.
When the host asked why Chang-wook’s relationships never make news, the actor said, “I dated and broke up quietly.” At that moment, Lim Ji-yeon quipped, “I know everything.” An amused Chang-wook turned to her and asked, “What do you know?” The Revolver actor replied, “I never asked because we are professionals. I know everything but I respect him. He looks like this. How can women not do anything?”
Watch the video here:
Earlier in the show, Ji Chang-wook had teased Lim Ji-yeon about dating actor Lee Do-hyun and had abruptly taken his name. When Ji-yeon pushed him playfully, Chang-wook laughed and said, “That is why I wear my shoelaces tight.”
On the work front, Chang-wook will be seen playing an antagonist in the film Revolver.