West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday slammed the Opposition for “indulging in cheap politics” over the rape and murder of a trainee doctor inside the premises of a Kolkata hospital.
“Instead of standing with the (woman’s) family, CPI(M) and BJP are indulging in cheap politics. They think they can do a Bangladesh her. But let me tell you, I am not greedy for power,” Mamata Banerjee said.
She hit back at the critics of her government’s handling of the rape-murder case. Mamata Banerjee said that she monitored the case entire night and spoke to the police commissioner and the woman’s parents as soon as she came to know about the crime. What action did we not take, Mamata Banerjee asked.
“What have we not done? What action did we not take? As soon as I came to know of the incident, I spoke to the police commissioner and spoke to the parents (of the woman),” Mamata Banerjee said.
She said that she told the parents that the rapist would be hanged, adding, “And I stick to it”.
The West Bengal Chief Minister said, “I have been monitoring the case the whole night. I was in touch with cops till the cremation was done. Cops escorted her family, police arrested the killer in 12 hours.”