Clinically Bharat


Rising Respiratory Cases in Jaipur Linked to Air Pollution Crisis, ET HealthWorld

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Jaipur: As Delhi continues to witness hazardous air quality, its effects have become noticeable in Jaipur, leading to an increase in respiratory ailments at local healthcare facilities.

Healthcare professionals are found cautioning patients with existing respiratory conditions to refrain from early morning exercise. “In early mornings, a layer of smog can be easily visible in Jaipur. If a patient of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or an asthma patient goes out for a walk in the morning, they will invariably inhale it, and it could worsen their symptoms. When the sun rises fully, the layers of smog lift. So it is better to wait till the sun rises before one starts their morning walk,” said Dr Virendra Singh, senior pulmonologist and president of a private hospital in the city.

Specialists in respiratory medicine warned that not only individuals with chronic lung conditions but also people sensitive to polluted air are also at risk under the rising levels of air pollution.

“If the air has a high content of carbon monoxide, sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxides, it become toxic. Even healthy people may face respiratory issues if they are exposed to toxic air for a prolonged period. In the past few days, there is a rise in patients with respiratory complaints due to rising air pollution,” said Dr Ajit Singh, medical superintendent of RUHS Hospital, who is an expert in respiratory diseases.

Jaipur’s air quality index (AQI) on Thursday indicated that city residents inhaled air of “poor” quality. Since Nov 18, AQI has been categorised “poor” in the city, and it is continuously deteriorating.

  • Published On Nov 22, 2024 at 06:40 AM IST

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