Three children were injured on Tuesday after a private school bus they were travelling in lost control and overturned in Andhra Pradesh’s Prakasam district. The bus carrying 40 students veered off the road and crashed into agricultural fields in Pamuru mandal.
The onlookers promptly informed the authorities, and they removed the children from the school bus. The authorities, children and their parents were gathered at the site.
Local authorities provided medical assistance to the injured children. The cause of the accident is yet to be known.
In a similar incident that occurred on August 7, a school bus in Telangana’s Ranga Reddy overturned after it ran backwards due to a handbrake failure. At least 10 children aboard the bus were injured, and the bus also hit several vehicles.
The driver halted the bus from the Pioneer Concept School on a sloped road and tried to apply the handbrake when he stepped out. However, the brakes failed, and the vehicle rolled backwards, hitting other vehicles and eventually tipping over.