Vivo V40 is all set to go on its first sale in India today. Vivo made the V40 series official in India a couple of days ago. The Vivo V40 features a 6.78-inch AMOLED screen with stunning clarity and vibrant colors, powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen3 chipset. Meanwhile, the Vivo V40 Pro boasts a similar display with enhanced features, running on the powerful Mediatek Dimensity 9200+ chipset. Both phones offer impressive camera setups, fast connectivity options, and large batteries with 80W fast charging. With sleek designs, top-notch performance, and advanced features, the Vivo V40 series is designed to deliver an exceptional user experience.
Vivo V40: Price and availability
The Vivo V40 comes at Rs 34,999 and Rs 36,999 for the 128GB and 256GB storage models, respectively. The phone will be available in Ganges Blue, Lotus Purple and Titanium Grey colour variants.
Vivo V40: Specifications
The Vivo V40 boasts a large 6.78-inch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 1260 x 2800 pixels. This ensures clear and vibrant visuals. With a pixel density of 453 ppi and support for HDR10+, the display quality is impressive. The screen also features a peak brightness of 4500 nits, making it easily viewable even in bright sunlight. Additionally, the display supports a 120 Hz refresh rate and a 480 Hz touch sampling rate, providing a smooth and responsive experience. The punch-hole design houses the front camera, maximising the screen area.
Vivo V40 runs on Android 14, It has a slim profile with a thickness of 7.6 mm and weighs 190 grams, making it easy to handle. The in-display fingerprint sensor adds convenience and security.
Under the hood, the Vivo V40 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen3 chipset with an octa-core processor clocked at 2.63 GHz. It comes with 8 GB of RAM and an additional 8 GB of virtual RAM, ensuring decent performance for multitasking. The device offers 256 GB of inbuilt storage but does not support memory expansion via a card.
For photography, the Vivo V40 is equipped with a dual rear camera setup, featuring two 50 MP cameras with Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS). This allows for stable and clear photos. The rear cameras can record 4K videos at 30 fps. In the front, there’s a 50 MP camera for selfies and video calls.
The Vivo V40 supports 4G, 5G, and VoLTE for fast and reliable connectivity. It includes Bluetooth v5.4, WiFi, NFC, USB-C v2.0, and an IR blaster for added functionality.
The phone is powered by a large 5500 mAh battery, which supports 80W FlashCharge, ensuring quick and efficient charging.