Vinesh Phogat was in a cheerful mood on Monday morning as the wrestler celebrated Raksha Bandhan with her brother in her hometown of Charkhi Dadri in Haryana. The three-time Olympian took a moment to crack a joke in a light-hearted interaction with her brother after she tied ‘rakhi’. Vinesh joked her brother, Harvinder, had given his entire life savings as a gift, unlike the last few years.
Vinesh Phogat, dressed in the official Olympic kit, tied rakhi to her brother on Monday as the nation celebrated Raksha Bandhan — a festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters.
“I am now almost 30 years old, He used to give me Rs 10 and he gave me Rs 500 last year. And now he has given me this. He has earned this throughout his life, and now it has come to me. Thank you, brothers and sisters,” Vinesh said in a PTI news agency video.
Vinesh Phogat received a rousing reception upon her arrival in New Delhi on Saturday, August 17. Vinesh was received by her family, friends and fellow wrestlers Sakshee Malikkh and Bajrang Punia at the airport. Vinesh was showered with love on the way to her hometown as thousands gathered to laud the wrestler, who reached the final of the women’s 50kg wrestling in the Paris Olympics before she was disqualified.
Vinesh Phogat broke down in tears after seeing the love and affection of the people who gathered outside the airport to welcome her. Vinesh had a parade of around 135km from Delhi to her hometown on Saturday.
Vinesh’s caravan covered the distance of 135 kilometres from Delhi to Balali in about 12 hours as she was honoured by panchayats on the way. They stopped at various spots, including Dhankot, Badli, Jahajgarh, Loharwada, Ghasoula, and Mandoula.
“So what if they didn’t give me the gold medal, but people here have given me that. The love and the respect that I have received is more than winning 1,000 Olympic gold medals,” Vinesh had said during the parade.
750 kg of ladoos, made from desi ghee, was made in her village, which gave her a hero’s welcome on Saturday. Vinesh was touched by the love and support she received upon her arrival despite the broken Olympic dream.
Vinesh became the first Indian woman to reach the wrestling final at the Olympics. However, the 29-year-old was disqualified for failing the weigh-in on the day of her final. Vinesh was found to be 100 grams overweight during the weigh-in.
Vinesh appealed against her disqualification at the Court of Arbitration for Sport and requested that she should be given a joint-silver medal. Her lawyers, including senior counsel Harish Salve, argued that Vinesh deserved a silver medal as she had won three bouts on the opening day of the women’s 50kg competition before the failed weigh-in on the day of the final. However, Vinesh’s appeal was rejected.
Vinesh returned empty-handed from the Olympics for the third successive time. However, she proved her mettle on the mat. Vinesh’s victory over Japan’s Yui Susaki was one of the highlights of her campaign in Paris. The Indian wrestler ended Susaki’s unbeaten run at the highest level in an upset that sent shockwaves in the wrestling community.
Vinesh had announced her retirement after the disqualification at the Paris Olympics. However, over the last few days, she has hinted several times that she might return to the mat to give it another shot.